Claudia M. Aranda
Leandro H. Luna
Jorge A. Suby
Claudia Aranda is Bachelor and Professor in Anthropology at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, with specialization in Archaeology. She is member of the Department of Endodoncy at the Faculty of Odontology, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Her main lines of analysis are related to the study of human remains, with a special emphasis on conservation and the ethical treatment of this particular archaeological record. She conducts several researches about mortuary practices, stress indicators and paleoparasitology. She is also part of a team coordinating an Identified Collection in the Chacarita Cemetery , Buenos Aires.
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Leandro Luna is Doctor in Archaeology at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is Associate Researcher of the National Council of Science  (CONICET), member of the Multidisciplinary Institute of History and Natural Sciences (HIMICIHU-CONICET) and Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is also teacher in Chair of "Old World Prehistory" of the BA in Anthropology at the University of Buenos Aires.
His work focuses on the study of several aspects of health as well as in the analysis of biological paleodemographic and biological distances from skeletal and dental human remains. He also coordinates the Identified Collection team in the Chacarita Cemetery .
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Jorge Suby is Doctor of Biological Sciences by the National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina. He is Independent Researcher of the National Council of Science (CONICET) and member of the Institute of Archaeological and Paleontological Researches of Pampean Quaternary (INCUAPA - CONICET) at the National University of the Center of Buenos Aires Province. He is also professor of postgraduate courses in the PhD Programme of the same Faculty.
His research aimed to study the health of past human populations from Southern Patagonia, especially those associated with infectious, metabolic and degenerative diseases.
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Gustavo A. Flensborg
Gustavo A. Flensborg is Doctor in Archaeology at the University of the Center of the Buenos Aires Province. He is Researcher of the Nacional Council of Science (CONICET) and member of the Institute of Archaeological and Paleontological Research of the Pampean Quaternary  (INCUAPA-CONICET).
His works focuses on the study of bioarchaeological and paleopathological analyses of human skeletal remains, particularly in those from native populations from Pampa-Patagonia eastern transition.
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Cynthia Pandiani
Cynthia Pandiani is Bachelor in Anthropology at the National University of La Plata, Argentina and PhD candidate. Her works are focused to the study of pathological lesions related to infectious diseases in human skeletal remains.
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Rodrigo Zúñiga Thayer
Rodrigo Zúñiga Thayer is an Anthropologist with a degree in Physical Anthropology from the University of Concepción, Chile. His doctoral thesis research is oriented to the study of entesic changes and bone morphology of human remains from Southern Patagonia as a mean to understand the behavior and the use of the body by ancient populations.
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